Regular Meeting on SONGS Dismantlement and Removal of Spent Fuel from San Onofre

Nov 21, 2019

Community Engagement Panel Meeting - Video Playlist

Thomas J. Dieter, executive sponsor of SONGS DecommissioningSolutions, discusses the dismantlement and decontamination of the San Onofre nuclear plant. The process will take place over the next 8-10 years and be guided by the core principles of safety, stewardship and engagement.

Southern California Edison's environmental decommissioning manager Ron Pontes talks about the environmental aspects of decommissioning, including continuous radiation monitoring at the site.

Southern California Edison retained North Wind, Inc. on June 13, 2019, to develop a strategic plan that will assess the feasibility of relocating spent nuclear fuel at the San Onofre nuclear plant to a commercially reasonable, off-site facility. During the Nov. 21, 2019 CEP Meeting, North Wind Team Director, Policy and Legal Analysis, Phillip Niedzielski-Eichner, offered an overview of the effort.