Documents & Public Information


The following documents relate to the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) decommissioning process.

This library includes Community Engagement Panel (CEP) meeting information, correspondence with the CEP, information on seismic and tsunami safety and other topics.

Decommissioning document library

Replacement Steam Generators

The following documents are related to the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Replacement Steam Generators (RSGs). Southern California Edison (SCE) is making these documents available so that the facts relating to the RSGs are publicly known.

Replacement Steam Generators document library
ISFSI Sunset Photo_MP14927

Outlier Events Document Libraries

The May 28, 2020, CEP meeting devoted time to spent nuclear fuel storage safety in relation to so-called "outlier" scenarios. Supporting information is available in the following document libraries:

Human Outliers Document Library

Natural Outliers Document Library