Regular Meeting on Dismantlement Update by Decommissioning Contractor

Aug 11, 2022
5:30 PM - 8:30 PM

Key Takeaways

The CEP heard from the SONGS decommissioning contractor, SONGS Decommissioning Solutions (SDS), on overall progress with the work to decontaminate and dismantle SONGS.

It was important for us to hear how the contractor plans to ensure the work is done safely, following a serious worker injury earlier this year. SDS management explained that they continue to act on recommendations that will improve safety, while also being informed by independent assessments that will help performance in this area.

Dismantlement work is progressing according to schedule. SDS shared a high-level schedule that shows the dismantlement of the containment domes happening in the 2026-2027 timeframe. Before that, the work inside the domes will be completed.

Work to process and transfer Greater-Than-Class C waste to the Independent Spent Fuel Storage Installation continues, with completion forecast for spring 2023.

Currently, the work on the turbine buildings continues. See below for a time-lapse video of the Unit 2 (northern) side of the structure being dismantled by multiple excavators.

The CEP also received an update on waste shipments leaving the site. So far, 128 million pounds of material has left the site, mostly by rail. Ultimately, some one billion pounds will be removed.

San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond—co-chair of the Action for Spent Fuel Solutions Now (ASFSN) coalition and CEP member—briefed the CEP on new legislation in Congress that would authorize work on a new federal spent fuel repository using a consent-based process. Pauline Colvin, communications director for Orange County Supervisor Lisa Bartlett—ASFSN co-chair—provided an update on the coalition’s recent work including securing a resolution of support from the Huntington Beach City Council and action in other local cities.

More broadly on spent fuel, constructive engagement with the Department of Energy is ongoing and the topic continues to garner attention. Dan Stetson participated in a panel discussion on consent-based siting at an American Nuclear Society national meeting in June and the Western Governors’ Association recently issued a policy resolution on spent fuel that addresses consent and the importance of adopting best practices for safely transporting radiological material.


The Aug. 11 Community Engagement Panel (CEP) meeting will be conducted via Microsoft Teams as Southern California Edison and CEP members work to reduce COVID-19 exposure through actions that align with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations on physical distancing.

Members of the public will be able to listen and watch the meeting, as well as participate in a public comment period.

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To submit comments in advance of a CEP meeting use the email address provided:

  • Comments submitted in advance of the meeting and related to agenda topics will be—to the greatest extent possible—addressed in the presentation and/or discussed during facilitated public dialogue
  • Comments must be received 2 days prior to the meeting date to be addressed during the meeting or a response will be sent via e-mail following the meeting
  • NUCCOMM comments related to agenda topics will be addressed first followed by comments during the public comment period.

To submit comments during a CEP meeting, use the link provided: CEP Comment Form

  • Comments will be added to the queue in order of receipt.
  • Comments related to the meeting agenda topics—to the greatest extent possible—will be addressed / discussed during facilitated public dialogue

How to sign up to speak during a CEP meeting public comment period

  • To sign up to speak, complete the CEP Comment Form
  • The CEP Chairman will call on individuals by name one at a time to speak and the Microsoft Teams microphone will be opened for that individual

Each person requesting to speak will have three minutes to provide their comments.